


Via Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 - Pisa (Italy)

Phone Number

+39 050 315 2612


How to reach us


Genoa-Rosignano A12: exit Pisa Centro A11 Florence-Pisa North: Exit at the junction with A12


Florence-Pisa-Livorno, exit Pisa Nord-est for the Area della Ricerca del CNR (Clinical Physiology)


Quipu can be reached by the Urban Green LAM bus, which runs every 15 minutes; inservice from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. The nearest stop is ``Via di Pratale”. The ticket must be bought on the ground and is valid for 60 minutes after cancellation.


You can use the taxi service by calling +39 050/541600.
Duration of trip from the railway station or airport to CNR: 10 minutes


Pisa Centrale railway station
Piazza della Stazione No. 10
Information Service (Hours: 7 A.M. to 9 P.M) Ph. +39 147888088


Airport Galileo Galilei - V. dell'Aeroporto
Ph. +39 050-849111 (flight information +39 050-849300)

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